फुलकुमारी हस्पिटलमा क्यान्सर दिवस मनाईयो

a.       Introduction
b.      Objective of the study
c.       Location of the Study area
2 .       Study and identification of rocks
a.       Rock definition
b.      Classification
c.       Field identification
                                                               i.      Marble
                                                             ii.      Granite
                                                            iii.      Schist
                                                           iv.      Quartzite
                                                             v.      Phyllite
                                                           vi.      Slate
                                                          vii.      Limestone
d.      Sketched and photographs
3 .        Study and identification of geological structures
a.       Phenomenon of geological structures
b.      Major geological structures
                                                               i.      Joints
                                                             ii.      Folds
                                                            iii.      Faults
                                                           iv.      Unconformity
                                                             v.      Thrust
                                                           vi.      Foliation
                                                          vii.      Bedding plane
4 .       Handling of geological compass and measurement of attitudes of geological planes
a.       Types of geological compass
b.      Handling of geological compass
                                                               i.      Observation data in the field
                                                             ii.      Sketched and photographs
5  .       Study of river Channel Morphology
a.       Definition of River Channel Morphology
b.      Types of River Channel Morphology
c.       Feature developed by river channel
d.      Sketches, photographs, description of the location
6         .       Conclusions
7        .       References
